Entering Time

Entering Time

This course gives a basic overview how to record time using the Infinitylaw Timer or Timesheets. Learn the various features that will enable you to capture time more efficiently and ensure that you do not miss any billable fees.

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About this course

Entering Time 

In this course you’ll learn how to: 

      • Use the Timer to enter current time
      • Enter past time or time on behalf
      • Use Item Costing
      • Enter different types of time into Infinitylaw
      • Amend Time already entered
      • Close Timesheets

Duration: 30 minutes


  • Introduction
  • The Timer
  • Using Timesheets to record Past Days & Time on behalf
  • Types of time that can be entered
  • Item Costing
  • Amending Time
  • Closing Time
  • Timesheet colours
  • Timer Course Quiz
  • Timesheet Course Quiz
  • Amending Time Course Quiz
  • Closing Time Course Quiz
  • Up Next
  • Summary

About this course

Entering Time 

In this course you’ll learn how to: 

      • Use the Timer to enter current time
      • Enter past time or time on behalf
      • Use Item Costing
      • Enter different types of time into Infinitylaw
      • Amend Time already entered
      • Close Timesheets

Duration: 30 minutes


  • Introduction
  • The Timer
  • Using Timesheets to record Past Days & Time on behalf
  • Types of time that can be entered
  • Item Costing
  • Amending Time
  • Closing Time
  • Timesheet colours
  • Timer Course Quiz
  • Timesheet Course Quiz
  • Amending Time Course Quiz
  • Closing Time Course Quiz
  • Up Next
  • Summary